Sweden ꞏ June 2022

Grid Segments in sorting drum for plastic recycling

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Description of the case

Non ferrous material including metals are sorted in rotating drums using water making material sink or float. Each drum has a number of grid segments. We have replaced the original segments made of stainless steel with a new solution of segment made of Hardox HiAce with the result that service life is increased, the work environment is improved and the production is more stabil.

Case details

Key success factors

Lower lifetime costs: Longer service life and the reuse of the parts that are not exposed to wear.

Easier installation (weight, welding, etc.): Easier installation thanks to lower weight and that only the clamped wear plate can be exchanged.

Improved design: Clamped solution instead of welded solution means no soft zone in wear plate, only wear plate can be excanged when worn out instead of the whole segment.

Improved service life: Appr. 3 times longer service life compared to the original solution with stainless steel.

Increased crack resistance: No welds in the wear plate means no heat effected zone or start and stopp from the welding that can be a crack initiation.

Lighter weight: Easier installation and exchange, less steel needed means less CO2 emissions

New service life: 20-30 weeks

New solution
Hardox® HiAce, : 4mm
Industry and wearpart
Recycling , Screening drums , Screens