Global ꞏ July 2019

Sugar cane hammers with better service life

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Description of the case

Description: Second Step crushing in a sugar mill

Technical data: Wear from the frictional heat on the head of the cap. A squeezing / crushing action needed for the fragmentation

Service Life and Status: Hard faced mild steel hammer held one week. New design with shaft in Hardox® 400 and cap in Hardox® 600 holds two weeks.

Further Service life increases will be achieved by a HF(Hard facing) layer on top of the Hardox® 600 cap.  A butter layer of austenitic 307 is needed.

Case details

Key success factors

Improved service life: 100%

New solution
Hardox® 600
Old solution


Industry and wearpart
Agriculture forestry fishing , Hammer crushers , Hammers