Global ꞏ June 2019

Haul truck body dead bed with longer service life

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Description of the case

Old truck body without dead bed : AR 400,  20 mm

New truck body with dead bed: Hardox® 500, 10 mm + Hardox® 600, 15 mm

Production method: under water plasma cutting


In a gold mine has Hitachi EH 4000 Haul trucks. Truck has 16mm AR400 HBN abrasion resistance plate in the floor. The solution we found was 10mm Hardox® 500 on the ground and 15mm Hardox® 600 on the top as a grid design. With this solution the life time of the truck liners was expected to be increased from 5.000 hours to 17.000 hours. Now it is at 12.000 hours and there is very little wear on the Hardox® 600. So, it is expected to see life time more than 17.000 hours.

More than 3,5 times longer life time with same weight

Case details

Key success factors

Improved service life: 350 %

New service life: 17.000 hours

New solution
Hardox® 600, : 15mm
Old solution

AR 400: 15mm

Industry and wearpart
Mining Movable , Dumper and tippers , Liner plate