Hammers for plaster boards (panels) made from 15mm Hardox® Extreme, laser-cut.
Prevoius material was 10 mm Hardox® 400 + 5 mm hardfacing
Lifetime increased by 30%. Less maintenance.
Cost is reduced by ~ 10% : increase of raw material cost but processing cost is reduced (hardfacing removed).
Shorter delivery time (no hardfacing piece by piece).
Increased productivity: only laser cutting versus cutting + hardfacing previously.
More competitive offer to end-user: cost / service life.
Healthier processing (no fumes due to hardfacing)
Potential is about 10 set (84 hammers per crusher) per year - 2,4 t/year/crusher
The main producer is recycling 45Kt/an of plaster waste (80% of the market) on 3 plants. They would like to recycle 100Kt in 2020.
Improved service life: 30%
New service life: 30%
AR 400: 10 mm + 5mm CCO