Global ꞏ June 2019

Concrete mixer paddles with double service life

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Description of the case

Technical Data: The rotation speed is around 25 rpm. The material that is used is Ni-Hard. But they have crack problems.  The work temperature is around 20-25 ºC. Hardox® 600 in 25 mm replacing cast iron Ni-Hard.

Dimensions and Quantities: Thickness 25 mm. The size of the paddles are 393 x 280. Cut by AWJ cutting. The weight is 14 Kg. The mixer fixed 20 insides paddles and 4 lateral scratchers.

Service Life and Status: Service life with Ni-Hard 330 hours. Working with Hardox® 600 since June 2004.

Case details

Key success factors

Improved service life: 200%

New service life: +600 hours

New solution
Hardox® 600, : 25mm
Old solution

Other: 25mm

Industry and wearpart
Concrete , Concrete mixers , Paddles